Instant Cab or Guaranteed Cab?
August 10, 2024

To go to Airport, what do you prefer? Instant Cab or Guaranteed Cab?
To go to Railway Station or critical meeting, what do you prefer? Instant Cab or Guaranteed Cab?
On your return back from the Airport or Railway Station, do you wish to have a chauffeur waiting for you or want to take the stress of booking a cab at higher price after landing, suffer queues or huge waiting time or worse, no cabs due to rains etc?
Recently, we did a poll on LinkedIn and other forums to understand what is more important to consumers for travel to/from Airport, Instant Cab or Guaranteed Cab? or Can we have both?
We got 152 votes on LinkedIn and some more on other platforms. 73% chose Guaranteed Cabs over Instant Cabs for critical travels like from/to Airport. Check here, LinkedIn Poll Results.
We had surveys earlier also and got almost similar results.
Nowadays, Due to Ola, Uber, many wants Instant Cabs and it is ok to have instant cabs for short distances or when you have enough time to get alternates. However, when you are headed from/to Airport, Railway Station, critical official meeting or ceremony then you would want someone who can guarantee the cab. Even one failure here can be really disastrous at times.
Now, one needs to realize that Guaranteed Cabs and Instant Cabs, both, are difficult to achieve together. Actually, It is just not possible. Both business models are different and both have its advantages and disadvantages.
In our research over the years, we have realised that providing both, instant and guaranteed cabs together, are indeed not possible. Why it is not possible?
- Drivers have 100 reasons to cancel instant rides but if it is planned (e.g min 2-3 hrs before), they can organize their life better and choose what is best for them.
- There could be no drivers in your vicinity and he/she may need to come from far. Instant cab aggregators are designed to provide cab immediately and if it takes more than 15min, then, they will show that cabs are not available.
- To provide Guaranteed cabs, it takes time because if there is no driver in even 5 km range, than, we need to see that some drivers even far, are notified and it takes time for them to reach at pickup point due to distance and traffic.
- Aggregators also need to have consent of the drivers rather than forcing them to run empty, else they cancel the booking eventually. If drivers need to run empty, they would need extra money as well.
- At times, we do not get driver at agreed price with consumer and driver demands more. In such cases, cab provider needs to take a call whether to say NO to consumer or take a hit themselves to ensure smooth experience of consumer.
- If both objectives (Instant & Guaranteed cabs) were possible, then big aggregators would have done it long back. There is no dearth of money to execute this idea however it is just two opposites.
- Worst is that driver accepts it and later cancels it or demands more money. This actually means that some aggregators do not have any control over drivers and this emboldens driver to keep repeating such behavior and consumers suffer.
Hence few yrs back, we, at RideAlly, chose to focus on providing Guaranteed cabs rather than taking an instant booking and canceling later or not even taking a booking. We just could not bear the thought of stranding a customer without a cab!. Believe me, it was not easy and it took a very wholistic approach to set the vision, commitment, culture, processes, automation, staff, & driver quality etc.
Finally, We could solve this big menace of Cancelations and have since been providing guaranteed cabs to our valued customers. No Ifs and Buts…. You book it, You get it!
Also, we provide cabs even if we need to pay them more than the cost of the ride and consumers need not to worry for that. It does incur losses but satisfaction of providing service with peace of mind to our customers, is awesome!
Here is the screenshots of a discussion in an apartment WhatsApp group where they are discussing about guaranteed cabs of RideAlly. Do check feedback from our users at .
Now, guarantees cannot be shallow that we guarantee it but do not take any accountability for it. RideAlly (Guaranteed Cabs) is the 1st in industry who has shown courage to be accountable for its actions and came with a policy for refunds incase of deficiency in service long back. Do check our written policy here.
Now, Is there a catch? Not really. Only point to note is that you need to book in advance, say, minimum 2-3 hrs. One can book 2 weeks or so before also.
We have this policy from last 5+ years and had to do only 2 reimbursements in last 1 year. Our cancelation is below 0.3% where we do our best to inform customers well in advance if there is heavy rain, storm, strike, etc.
So Book a RideAlly Cab, Sit back & Relax! We will pick you up and drop you safely. That’s our GUARANTEE.
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